This article shows you how to map local folders as drives in your AOD Citrix Light session.
This only works with Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge browsers.
You can map any folder from the local machine to a drive in an AOD session.
Features supported are:
- Copy files and folders from the local machine to the mapped drive in the session.
- View the list of files and folders in the mapped drive.
- Open and read file contents in the mapped drive.
- View the file properties (modified time and file size only) in the mapped drive.
Known Limitations:
- You can’t rename files and folders inside the mapped drive.
- Mappings will only have the name of the folder and not the full path.
- If your local folder has hidden files, and you mapped the same folder, the hidden files are visible inside the session in the mapped drive.
- You can’t change the file property to read-only access in the mapped drive.
- When you map a folder from the removable device and if you remove the device during an active session, you can’t use the mapped drive inside the session. You must remove the mapping manually.
How to use Citrix light mode for mapping local folders to drives in AOD sessions:
- Browse to the AOD login page at and enter your email address to proceed to the next screen:
- If your account is only provisioned with Greentree Light, then you will be taken directly to the AOD Apps Landing Page (skip to step 3).
If a single sign-on has been configured for your organisation, the "Welcome to Citrix Workspace app" screen will come up once you have logged in with your organisation's credentials. Otherwise, please enter your password to get to the welcome screen.
Once you are on this page, please click on Use light version:
- You will be presented with the AOD Apps Landing Page.
If the logged in user only has the AOD Greentree light service provisioned, a single GT application will be visible.
For other accounts, all provisioned applications will be visible.
- Click on any of the applications to launch them in AOD Light Mode.
The example below shows the launching of AOD Explorer:
- Once the application has been launched, click on the Citrix icon in the middle of the browser window, click on the three dots and then select Map a drive:
- Select Read-write as the Access level on the Client Drive Mapping screen.
Select a Drive letter (L: drive is used in this example).
Click Browse to select a folder on your PC that you would like to map.
Click Add to make it visible in your AOD session.
More than one folder can be added using different drive letters.
- Click Edit files to allow editing of files.
- The Mapped drive/s will show up as seen below.
- Please close the Citrix Browser windows or select disconnect to restart the session to integrate the Mapped drive(s):
- Your mapped folder will show up as Local Disk L: in the AOD session:
If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us.
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